B12 Injections (Methylcobalamin)

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We offer preservative-free B12 injections (methylcobalamin) at 5D Wellness to help supplement B12 deficiency and prevent illness. B12 improves your energy, stamina, immune function, and sleep, and helps manage nerve pain.

What does Methylcobalamin do?

We need methylcobalamin for the healthy development of red blood cells, DNA synthesis, and brain health. Patients generally experience an energy boost and more mental alertness after a B12 injection. Methylcobalamin promotes regeneration of injured nerves, improves nerve conduction, and reduces neurotoxicity. This explains its beneficial use for diseases like Alzheimer’s, diabetic neuropathy, and neuralgia. Studies have also shown its analgesic effects to alleviate low back pain as well as aid in treating depression and sleep-wake rhythm disorders. Long-term B12 deficiency may lead to nerve damage or exacerbate diabetic neuropathy, create memory loss or depression, or cause chronic fatigue and pain.

Methylcobalamin versus Cyanocobalamin

Methylcobalamin is a biologically active form of vitamin B12 found in nature. Cyanocobalamin is the synthetic and inactive version of B12 that is cheaper and more commonly found in B12 supplements. While cyanocobalamin is more easily absorbed as a supplement, some studies have shown that methylcobalamin is more quickly available to the body as an injection.

How often should I get a B12 injection?

It depends. We recommend B12 injections twice per month, or weekly for vegans or vegetarians, who commonly need to supplement with B12, as it is naturally derived from fish, meat, eggs, and milk. Many patients dealing with chronic pain, fatigue, or depression may benefit with a weekly injection. Other people who are vulnerable to B12 deficiency due to an inability to absorb this vitamin are those with pernicious anemia, atrophic gastritis, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, bacterial overgrowth or parasites, and immune system disorders like Graves’ disease or lupus. If you are a heavy meat eater, there is a very good chance that you do not need to supplement with B12. 

Talk to your primary care physician if you’re unsure if you need a B12 injection or would like to get tested for B12 deficiency.